Design, Calculation and Cost Estimation of HVAC system


Asst.Prof. SREEVAS P A

Team Members




Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) design is implemented for cost effective, energy
efficient and comfortable indoor air quality for occupants. The use of various technologies to control
the temperature, humidity, and purity of the air in an enclosed space. This is to improve the energy
efficiency of these houses and identify the most appropriate energy conservation measures for the
proposed room. We describe the work performed by our team by starting from the building
instrumentation, the measurement and the monitoring of the energy consumption of the building
systems.By developing a HVAC system design for the proposed room of surface area of 384sqft each
to provide an energy efficient, cost effective, and comfortable indoor environment with acceptable
indoor air quality for the room. Here the use of 2D CAD HVAC diagrams that visually demonstrate
the HVAC system arrangements, indicate the spaces served, identify airflow quantities and label
HVAC equipment. Finally we are providing an appropriate design by calculating and estimating costs
at lowest energy consumption.